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Find out Jazz Usage

2 answers

the jtsmon tool graphing can show you number of users (including pool)... and also the active apis.
but you cannot find project, or users, or teams.
but you cannot find project, or users, or teams.

For things like no of people active/inactive, you can use the license usage reports in the JTS.
For no of projects active/inactive, top used components etc..., I am not sure. A work item query may provide the info. E.g., find recent work items for a given project area to find out if the project area is active.
I think I need more precise questions. How do you define active project area? How do you define: used components?
For no of projects active/inactive, top used components etc..., I am not sure. A work item query may provide the info. E.g., find recent work items for a given project area to find out if the project area is active.
I think I need more precise questions. How do you define active project area? How do you define: used components?

Ok. One way to look at active/inactive projects is to look at the history of work items. But we also do have projects which uses SCM alone or use RQM alone. So even in such kind of projects we need a way to find they are active or not. As you said, sly looking at history of the corresponding artifact is one way. But I am looking at whether there is anything easier than that like a counter for every project.
For top usage components we found a component counter webservice https://almserver:9443/jazz/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.counters.ICounterContentService. But the result of this service is hard to interpret. Do we have a documentation for this service?

JTSMon (link above) is the best info I have seen.. most REST calls are pretty self explanatory..
I am not aware of any project related activity indicators
Kevin Ramer
Jun 23 '14, 4:50 p.m.One thing is the License Usage on the JTS. That will give a good indication of the usage pattern of the server (e.g. plateaus during the week, low on the weekend ) Assumption is that you've some sort of floating license.
There is are also repository metric reports.
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