How can one references another artifact or section of a module from another artifact within a DOORS Next Gen module?
Similar to MS Word document feature "Link To 'Place in this document' ".
In a DOORS Next Gen module, is it possible to link to another artifact or section of that module from an artifact. This reference or link should work like a word document. When you click on the reference/link, it should take you that artifact or section in the module instead opening that artifact. Not sure, you can link/refer a section.
Accepted answer
You can do this in rev 6.0.6, but not in 6.0.4 or earlier. I am not sure whether it worked in 6.0.5 since I never used that version.
When creating the link, select 'What to Look in' to Modules and then select the artifact within the Module.
Unfortunately I can;'t add a screenshot to show the dialog - I do not have enough points