Change attribute "Created By" after importing in IBM DNG
Hello all,
I started using Doors Next Generation a while ago, but before I had this program, we were creating requirements within Excel. Every requirement in Excel has his own originator / created by attribute.
After I imported all requirements in IBM DNG, all requirements are "created by" me. I'm the originator. Is there any way to change the created by attribute to the original originator? It is almost not workable if I'm the creator of every requirement. (By means of questions asked, comments going to me, client questions, etc.)
I hope someone can give me the solution for this!
Thank you guys for all the help.
2 answers
Thanks for your reply Kirk,
I indeed tried to export and import again, with changed "created By" attribute, but that did'nt work. Tried to be a smartass, haha.
I made a custom attribute "originator" and that works okayish when it comes to looks, but indeed, it would not help me with comments / created by functions.
I indeed tried to export and import again, with changed "created By" attribute, but that did'nt work. Tried to be a smartass, haha.
I made a custom attribute "originator" and that works okayish when it comes to looks, but indeed, it would not help me with comments / created by functions.