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Using RPE, how can I filter execution results based on the test plan they are apart of?

Timothy Distel (73356) | asked Feb 26 '19, 9:33 a.m.
edited Feb 26 '19, 8:54 p.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)
 Hello, I am using CLM Suite 6.0.6.

As an RPE beginner, I've built a simple template which I based off of the IBM Sample file "QM_TestPlanWithTestcases". I've also pulled in execution results using a Generic XML feed as the data source, however I'm unsure of how to add a filter in this case. Since the data source is XML, a native filter isn't supported like is used on the "_RQM TestCase Feed" in the sample file.

Do I change this data source from XML to REST data source so that I can use a native filter, or do I leverage using a scripted filter? If I need to use a scripted filter, could someone provide me with an example or a resource that will help me understand how to build my own scripted filters? 

I keep seeing a reference to this link on RPE forums:

however, the link is broken.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Accepted answer

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Feb 28 '19, 4:44 a.m.
You can filter the executionresult based on testplan/href as listed in
That is, in executionresult feed URL, you can append
fields=?fields=feed/entry/content/executionresult[testcase/@href='" + identifier + "']/*"
Timothy Distel selected this answer as the correct answer

Timothy Distel commented Feb 28 '19, 10:23 a.m.

After trying multiple variations & combinations of the URL you provided here and the URL in the RQM API reference link, I'm still unable to filter my execution results. Is the exact URL you provided here accurate? I assumed I should replace "testcase" with "testplan". I also assumed that the "fields=" at the beginning of the append was accidental as all of the RQM API documentation shows only one "fields=" section in the URL. What about the quotation marks after the "href="? Here I see " (double quotation) used within ' (single quotation), but the RQM API documentation shows just using ' (single quotation).

Timothy Distel commented Feb 28 '19, 11:45 a.m. | edited Feb 28 '19, 11:50 a.m.

I've been able to configure the data source so that when I preview the data, it shows all the execution results within a test plan. I did so using this URL for the executionresults feed:

"https://<localhost>:<port>/qm/service/<projectarea>/executionresult?fields=feed/entry/content/executionresult/testplan[@href=' https://<localhost>:<port>/qm/service/<projectarea>/testplan/<id>']/"

therefore the appropriate append would be as follows:

"?fields=feed/entry/content/executionresult/testplan[@href=' identifier']/"

While I'm able to see the executionresults I'm interested in, I've only been able to do so by previewing the XML data from the data source. I'm still unable to report on these thus far. I'm sure there is something small I'm missing.

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