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Migrating from Single server to Enterprise topology - looking for guidance

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Feb 06 '19, 7:58 a.m.
edited Feb 06 '19, 7:59 a.m.

Our current installation is single server, built in Websphere Liberty and classic built in user registry.  We have a need to move to a more stable environment which means we also need to move to an enterprise topology.

I see lots of materials on moving from one environment to another but they don't distinguish moving from single to distributed servers.  There also appears to be a pre-req that a distributed environment cannot be built in Websphere Liberty but now needs to be full blown Websphere application servers and also a requirement to move from the built in user registry to either LDAP or to a federated file structure.

Can any of the developers online please assist with any materials that I need to be looking at to do this. The interactive installation guide helps but it doesn't cover off the splitting out, or the installation of and setup of Websphere for the new environment etc.

Other question as well is that we don't want to move all projects from the old system - is there a way to filter out what is moved - we don't want to take unnecessary baggage with us. 

Thanks in advance.

Ulf Arne Bister commented Feb 06 '19, 10:04 a.m.

a couple of the notions are not grounded in facts. You can successfully move to and run an Enterprise topology (distributed environment) on Websphere Liberty and with localUserAuthorization (built in user) whether you use Jazz Authorization Server or not. Talking 6.0.6 here, of course.
Also of interest: what Jazz environment do you currently have? Full CLM on one server? LQE, JRS in the mix? If you can then use Linux as it makes slightly better use of resources - but also requires a bit more admin know how. There is no comprisive guide to splitting a single server install into an Enterprise Topology but if I find a few cycles I will sketch the outline. Done it in the past, not all that hard.
Removing archived projects is not entirely support as of now over the entire CLM lifecycle. This would require the same changes as needed for splitting them off or truly archiving. Suggestion: backup, script removal of what you can, move.

Karen Steele commented Feb 06 '19, 10:51 a.m.

Alf, thanks for your quick response.  We are current full CLM on one server (with exception of the JRS).

All help greatly appreciated, we don't want to go full Websphere if we can help it - but then again we don't want to cause login to each server, each app still has to be able to communicate with RQM/RTC/Doors etc.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 06 '19, 11:29 a.m.

 Karen, we have created this for this purpose:


You can get there from the product documentation as well. Migrating and upgrade links back to the Wiki.

You need to look at the standard topologies. You need a reverse proxy in front that hosts the Public URI and that hides the topology details.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 06 '19, 11:31 a.m.

Libery is fine, that is also the future. Stay away from WAS. 

Karen Steele commented Feb 20 '19, 10:46 a.m.

Hi Ralph .. question therefore , if its ok to use Liberty, what do we then use for the reverse proxy server for our what will be new distributed environment. 

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 20 '19, 11:53 a.m.

As far as I know you can still use IHS as reverse proxy. 

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Gerald Stephens (1125) | answered Feb 06 '19, 9:46 p.m.

 Can you quantify "If you can then use Linux as it makes slightly better use of resources"

We are in a similar situation, and will be migrating from a single W2K8 server to 7 WS2016 servers.  Our back end database is Oracle on an AIX LPAR.

Is there a significant performance advantage to migrate to a flavor of Linux vs WS2016?

Ulf Arne Bister commented Feb 07 '19, 4:46 a.m.

Hi Gerald,

I have no experience with WS2016 so I can only share past observations on WS2008, 2012 and RHEL 7. Performance was comparable, but e.g. number of concurrent sessions supported, stability (i.e. running without needing restart) seemed to indicate same CPU / RAM on RHEL could support ~ 15% more load. This obviously depends a lot on your kind of load, database connection, network tuning etc.
It seems most performance tests on are exclusively run on Linux OS. But if you are already on Windows Servers, have your scripts and environment set up I would probably stay.

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