Can an exsisting CCM configuration been rebuild (imported) on new server?
We are using CCM V6.0.1, and we need to move our full configuration to an other (existing) server, where the same version is installed.
As far as we know right now, it is in use, so we have to migrate our into the existing one.
Has any of you experiences with that? What are the pitfalls?
It would be great to move over all Open, active and closed tasks (Around 3000), off all Products (around 20) and all users with their settings (around 30 users), together with the attachments in the tasks, in a convenient way. without a lot of typing work and losing information.
I found the ccm export command. (
Any experiences with that?
One answer
See the deployment Wiki: the topic
- Migrating CLM to a New Environment should explain what and how you can do that.