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Are these errors anything to be concerned about? CLM 5.0.1 instance setup

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Sep 30 '14, 8:00 a.m.

I am setting up a new test instance of CLM 5.0.1 on windows 7 and derby (my normal test setup).  After installation, I started the server from the commandline and all look well - except a warning that:

INFO: JSR 356 WebSocket (Java WebSocket 1.0) support is not available when runni
ng on Java 6. To suppress this message, run Tomcat on Java 7, remove the WebSock
et JARs from $CATALINA_HOME/lib or add the WebSocket JARs to the
n.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip property in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/catalina.properti
es. Note that the deprecated Tomcat 7 WebSocket API will be available.

comes up just after the admin.war deployment start.  This is curious, as the shell says I am on Java v1.7 (ie Java 7) already.

No other errors noted.

Then I run setup - and there is an error on the Tomcat window after I start running jts/setup

INFO: Server startup in 123277 ms
2014-09-30 12:26:11,328 RQM [pool-25-thread-1] ERROR team.fulltext.service.inter
nal.FullTextServiceImpl  - CRJAZ2671E The "
l.query.ExecutionResultIndexingParticipant" service failed to activate because a
 service that it depends on, "", i
s not registered. CRJAZ2671
E The "
cipant" service failed to activate because a service that it depends on, "com.ib
m.rqm.common.service.IPagedSearchService", is not registered.

Setup finishes ok on the webUI and I can create new users and add in token licenses.

Are these errors anything to be worried about?



2 answers

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Sep 30 '14, 9:41 a.m.
Hi Anthony,

The error after the startup appears to be:

With regards to the JSR 356 WebSocket error.  not sure we've seen this before.  What does java -version return?
It is merely INFO, so as we've not seen that before I wouldn't be worried.


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Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | answered Feb 04 '15, 5:26 p.m.
 I have the same problem

Anthony Kesterton commented Feb 04 '15, 5:34 p.m.


I believe my original problem was I accidentally installed the software on the default Windows application directory.  Avoid installing on c:\program files (x86) and use another directory (I usually install into a c:\IBM directory).


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