Context Root Not Found while opening "https://localhost:9443/jts"
I'm facing an error on Windows VM by following the steps below:
- Extract the Workbench-for-CLM_7.0.2 zip file.
- Copy the Trial License Key from CLM-Trial LicenseKey 7.0.2 zip file to Workbenchserver\conf\jts
- Start the server with server.startup.bat in Command Prompt.
- Once the server started, I tried to reach this -> "https://localhost:9443/jts"
- So, instead of login page where the username and password both are "ADMIN", I'm getting this error.
The Windows Fyre VM configuration are:
Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit operating system, Intel Core Processor (Skylake, IBRS) 2.20 GHz (2 processors), 4.00 GB RAM
Accepted answer
I am not aware that there is a Workbench-for-CLM_7.0.2 zip file. It would also be named with ELM and not CLM if it was from I have also never copied a license key file as you describe and I have installed ELM countless times. I would suggest to contact the team that provides these files.
The image has very few RAM to run ELM.
On Windows use a short path for the ELM servers. NEVER INSTALL IN PROGRAM FILES.
You can see the server startup.bat and see what happens. in the server subfolder are logs that you can check.