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Unable to re-order Test Case Positions

Jason Wilson (311326) | asked Oct 25 '18, 4:44 a.m.

Hello all,

I am wondering if someone is able to help me please.

I am trying to re-order the positions of some of my test cases within my test plan. However each time I try this, I get the error:

"You can only re-order the test case positions when the content is not filtered."

I have looked at the Test Case section of the plan, and I have no filter applied via the 'Inline Filter' (Dropbar at the top of the test case screen. Neither do I have any filter applied via a Test Case Query (side bar to the left).

Is there something else I am missing?

The only other thing we do is complete categories and some of these are mandatory items.

Any advice would greatly be appreciated.



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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 25 '18, 7:01 a.m.

Hi Jason,

Check if you have a sort order set (up or down arrow with a number in the column header).

Jason Wilson commented Oct 26 '18, 4:19 a.m.

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the quick response.

I have double checked and there are no filters and no sort orders applied to any of the columns on display in the Test Case display grid.

Paul Slauenwhite commented Oct 26 '18, 6:14 p.m.

Hi Jason,

This sounds like a RQM defect.  Please open a new RQM defect

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