[closed] Insight evaluation deployment
Question about deploying a small-scale deployment of Rational Insight for evaluation purposes.
I want to:
1) Extract DOORS (used version 9.5.2) data to generate reports using Insight (used version
2) Publish the generated reports in RQM.
Following the IBM Rational Insight V1.1.1.7 documentation I managed to deploy the evaluation scenario using the Rational Reporting setup wizard without errors.
Then I started following the steps described in the chapter Integrating Rational DOORS and Rational Insight. I used the XML Data Configuration tool to create a .xdc file that uses DOORS REST API to extract data drom DOORS and I am able to extract the data from DOORS successfully.
Problems arise when I try to prepare the IBM Cognos Data Manager Catalog. I follow the steps described in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/api/content/nl/en-us/SSYQBZ_9.5.2/com.ibm.rational.doors.integrating.doc/topics/t_prep_cognos_dm_catalog.html but when I select Cognos Data Source - RIDW - RIDW - rptuser I get the following error:
I read that the solution to this problem is to delete csk, encryptkeypair and signkeypair folders from <InsightDir>/cognos/configuration and run the setup again. But if I do that, I get another error and the server is no longer executable:
Does anybody know what could be wrong in my approach?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by rschoon Jul 28 '15, 11:48 a.m.