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Getting CCM_DATA Table space error

nannette Mori (50984) | asked Sep 12 '18, 1:49 p.m.

We have 3 projects on a ccm server.  We are using an Oracle Database and use RTC 6.0.3.

Users were receiving Tablespace errors when trying to change flow targets and using command line SCM.  The error

was ora-01654:unable to extend index.SCM._COMP_SS_PARENT in tablespace CCM_DATA

Another user was trying to replace a component in his workspace and he received the following error:

ora-01654:unable to extend index.SCM._COMP_SS_STATE by 8192 in tablespace CCM_DATA.

We were able to fix the problem by extending the tablespace.  Our Oracle DBA stated the RTC Tablespace is growing rapidly, the largest is tablespace is 500GB.  We continue to increase the tablespace, however we need to understand what in RTC is causing this rapid growth.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 13 '18, 2:58 a.m.
edited Sep 13 '18, 3:02 a.m.
My best guess would be that the typical database settings are to allow expansion of tables and table spaces and this is either switched off in your DB or the DB has not enough disk space to do so. You should not see these errors. It should be possible to monitor the DB to see when it needs to be increased or allow it to increase automatically.
1. Contact your DB administrator to have a look at their logs 
2. Check the CCM logs
3. Contact IBM support if 1. does not help - note Support likely have to talk to your DB administrator so don't skip step 1.

With respect to the reason why the database is growing you need to contact support. You are likely adding more and more data. Check for binaries being checked in, attachment uploads to work items and build results with attached files.

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