Unable to run updatewar to update local help, class not found error
One answer
1. Stop Tomcat.
2. Remove the directory "clmhelp" under tomcat/work
3. Remove the directory "clmhelp" under tomcat/webapps
4. Restart Tomcat and make sure the the directory "clmhelp" is created under tomcat/webapps and the content of the web application is extracted there.
If the problem persists, check the log file for more details - tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.log
Thanks for the response! I won't be able to schedule an outage of the server until next week but will retry a redeploy with your instructions at that time and comment back. I noticed that the .log file you mentioned above had not been updated since Jan 20th on the server throwing the help updater error so there seems to definately be some sort of issue here.
Following your directions resolved the class not found error (thanks!) but we were still unable to use updatewar to load in the local help libraries. The display was inconsistant (successive browser refreshes resulted in showing no help files loaded, the default help files loaded, and all help files already loaded). The browser was being run on the server we were trying to update and it did not seem to matter if we used "localhost" or explicitly specify the server name in the URL.
We attempted an install anyway and it appeared to re-corrupt the tomcat directories (now get a BridgeServlet 404 error for admin, updatewar, and index.jsps).
I suspect there is some sort of cross linking between the two servers we are currently running but I have been unable to find any cross-links in the configuration files.
Will keep picking at it. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.