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DNG - Copy and link entire Module

Sean F (1.3k252162) | asked Aug 30 '18, 12:12 p.m.

 I was testing the Copy and Paste Special with the Link back to originals option.

I was planning to use this against a large module.

But I discovered that there is a limit of 200 artifacts when doing a selection of artifacts in a module.

This limiits the ability to copy and link back module contents.

I was thinking I could use link by attribute except that this function is limited to only working with DNG artifact ID instead of any attribute.

I thought a workaround might be to copy DNG ID for each artifact into a custom attribute before copying the module (and then use Link by Attribute) but their is no function I think for copying attribute value from one attribute to another (another useful function in DOORS9). I guess this could be done with an RM Extension but they are a a bit more complex to write compared with the equivalent DXL script..

Any suggestions welcome.

6 answers

permanent link
Softacus AG (2013) | answered Aug 30 '18, 1:08 p.m.

 Hi Sean,

For over 200 artifacts use Link by attribute for a VIEW which have all requirements to be linked

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Aug 30 '18, 1:35 p.m.


Maybe I did not word that question very clearly.

Link By Attribute was part of a workaround I was thinking about but the main problem is how to 'copy and link back' the contents of a large module.

In order to do this I need to select more than 200 artifacts for the 'copy and paste special' which will copy the hierarchy of artifacts and also create the links.

I did try setting up a view in a module just to check but the 200 artifact restriction still applies even when a view is loaded.

The Link By Attribute workaround does not have any selection required so it works with or without a view - but the functionality seems to be severely restricted by only being available for use with the ID attribute (instead of any attribute like in DOORS 9).

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Aug 30 '18, 1:45 p.m.

 ^I have just discovered a workaround that might help.

If I copy a heading object and use Paste Special then it gets copied with all of its descendants (there is no option to exclude descendants but that is OK) and it will create links back to each copied artifact if you select that 'paste special' option.
(unfortunately the links are still all doubles)
I have only tested it on small hierarchies but hopefully it translates from small to large artifact trees.

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Aug 30 '18, 1:58 p.m.

 ^Just tested it with a 300 artifact hierarchy and the copy works OK and the links back all work.

(no way to avoid the double link creation though)

permanent link
Softacus AG (2013) | answered Aug 30 '18, 2:03 p.m.

 What you mean by double links? 

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Aug 30 '18, 3:46 p.m.

 ^I mean when the option to 'create links from new artifact to original' is selected in paste special it actually creates 2 links between each object and its original.

One link is from base artifact to base artifact.

The other link is module context to module context.

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