How customize artifact's exporting report in RQM?

Accepted answer

When you create report resource in RQM (or RTC), you are choosing RPE template as report design file. I am afraid you cannot find/reuse the uploaded .dta file on the server machine where RQM is running.
There are some sample templates available on -
One other answer

You could generate a document for a test plan using RPE/RRDG within RQM. The process is mentioned below.
For sample templates, check out

Tag it with "RPE" too next time so that it reaches RPE expertise for quicker response.

Hi Kumaraswamy,
Thank you for the reply! I will take into account your advice regarding RPE tag.
But as for the answer, I know how to develop new report and deploy it in RQM. The question is whether I can take an existing RPE template used by IBM.
By the way, I didn't find RPE templates by second link. But may be, I didn't understand your reply.
Generally, I know a plugin in RQM where I can take BIRT templates but my customer is wondering whether he can extract an existing RPE template from RQM itself.
Thank you very much for any recommends!