Getting OAuthentication Error when running RPE report on the server but not through RPE
I'm baffled
I have a report that extracts Data for a RQM Test Plan, this navigates Links to DNG and Defects to RTC, works fine when run from my desktop installation of RPE. However, when I run it from the Jazz server I get a can't redirect error with the URL its trying to navigate to
First thing I do is post the URL into the browser where it gives me the correct XML. What am I doing wrong? The error appears bogus, but the report stops at that error.
2 answers
Hi Pierre,
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I have inherited my data configuration from the details I use to logon to Qm (single sign on, so these are the same for RTC and DNG) This works for using RPE on my client machine.
A guy called Geoffery Rosenthal had an enhancement request which I found last week, but cannot find now talking about having to have static Datasources related to RM and CCM products when running a cross product RPE report on the server, so I did that and had the dynamic ones inherit the configuration from them. What I have never done is actually set them on the dynamic Datasource itself, so maybe I should try that. Don't think the enhancement request to make it easier to extract data from connected Jazz products was ever accepted.
It seems the inheritance doesn't work for dynamic configurations. If I put my userId and password on the dynamic datasource it works. Don't really want to do that as it's not secure, want to use the logged on users credentials. Not sure which odd operations I have tried have actually helped now.
I've ended up with static datasources for RM and CCM applications whose values I add in RQM and dynamic configurations with embedded password and userId.
Doesn't seem right at all. I wonder if Geoffery Rosenthal still stalks these forums would be nice if he could weigh in...