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Issue with maximize/minimize function when printing artifacts as .pdf on RDNG

Leonardo Benevides (266628) | asked Jun 29 '18, 3:22 p.m.

Hi every one!

I am trying to export an artifact from DNG, and I choose the "Create and Print PDF Document..." from more actions icon.  This artifact has several inserted artifacts, which I do not want it to be maximized on the printed document. I leave blank the checkbox to maximize all inserted artifacts,  but they are maximized upon export. Im using CLM 6.0.4 and have tried to print as .pdf and .doc format with same result for both.

any idea?

2 answers

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Leonardo Benevides (266628) | answered Jul 03 '18, 9:42 p.m.
 Hi My-An.

It doesn't mater if the inserted artifact is minimized or maximized. It prints as maximized any way. But I found a solution! 

I clicked on Edit, and roved the mouse on the inserted artifact. It shows a little menu that contains a button named  "Show only the artifact content" I clicked on that and the inserted artifact is maximized. After that, I hover the mouse again and now I'm able to see an another button to minimize the inserted artifact. I clicked on the minimize button and clicked on Save and than on Done. 

Now, I'm able to print the artifact and the inserted artifacts are minimized upon export.


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My-An Nguyen (2963) | answered Jun 29 '18, 4:02 p.m.

Are the inserted artifacts currently minimized or maximized in the main artifact that you want to print? If they are maximized, can you try to minimize them before printing to see if it helps?

In 6.0.5, there is a change in behaviour to make things clearer:
Deselecting the Show Embedded Artifacts Minimised option in report generation has confusing behaviour (115234)

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