What monitoring solutions are you using with CLM MBeans / Liberty ?
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The article highlights which mBeans to use but gives no concrete recommendations on what monitoring solution to use to gather the mBeans. What we have now deployed in the project is Jolokia. Other customers have used Splunk in the past but I think they moved away - not sure of the reason. Probably Nagios would work, too. I just do not know of anybody actually using it with Jazz. Hence this post.
The one thing I am certain nobody uses productively is JConsole because of the overhead and performance impact (and no graphical UI). There is still some considerable effort that has to be put into setup to consume the mBeans in professional monitoring solutions. Most solutions provide out of the box monitoring plugins for Liberty and DB2 though so that saves time and money. I have yet to find an open source solution that would provide what is needed for enterprise level monitoring. There are lists of open source monitoring solutions but who has the time to install them and get them to run with ye olde Jazz mBeans? If anybody has done this, please share.
We are planning to go for splunk. anyone who is already using it ?
1 vote
Hi Todd,