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user for ServerRenameStatus

Joao Ramires (34720) | asked Oct 30 '18, 1:13 p.m.
Hi all , when renaminf a server, when I try to open the page:


I get an error:

"We're Sorry...
The user IF you logged in with is not recognizable
If you used the default ADMIN user to log in, you disabled it during setup. Try again using the new admin user you created during setup"

How can go on with this ?


Accepted answer

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Joao Ramires (34720) | answered Dec 10 '18, 10:54 a.m.

answering my own question: this was caused by wrong definitions on the WAS AppServer , no "normal" user was defined as a environment administrator. The new admin user created during setup was not mapped to the correct LDAP group.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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