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How long does it take to upgrade from CLM 6.0.2 to 6.0.5?

Amie Norgrove (133) | asked Jun 06 '18, 8:25 a.m.

I know the answer will vary from company to company, but I'm looking for a ballpark answer here -- days, weeks, etc. We're being told that it will take two weeks, with our engineers completely unable to use the tools during that time.  That seems excessive to me. I'm not sure how any company could afford to use the tools if that was the typical case every time you upgrade versions.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jun 07 '18, 10:09 a.m.

It is also worth mentioning that it is not always necessary to upgrade all at once.
JTS can usually be upgraded before the other applications. In the past it was possible to upgrade the applications later.

Most customers I am aware of upgrade over a weekend. If the database is huge it might take more time - I agree it would be best to do a test migration - we always suggest this.

2 weeks does not sound right. I know that migrating between database vendors can take a long time due to repotools export/import performance, but this is usually not the scenario customers perform.

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Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | answered Jun 06 '18, 10:35 a.m.
edited Jun 06 '18, 10:36 a.m.

As you said, the duration depends on the CLM environment, namely the amount of data stored in the databases.

Anyway, have you considered running an online migration to reduce the downtime?
The duration of the online migration can be estimated using the onlineMigrateEstimate command:

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Alick Banda (43718) | answered Jun 07 '18, 9:59 a.m.

 Hi Amie,

Telling you how long the upgrade will take is almost impossible, but I would recommend the following:
1. If you do not have one, plan, and create a staging environment on CLM 6.0.2
2. Using the staging environment, try to upgrade your environment to your desired version. This will not only give you an idea of how long the upgrade will take, but also the complexity and the effort of the upgrade (testing rollbacks etc.). 
3. Once upgrade is successfully done on a staging environment, you can then plan for your upgrade (plan the downtime, plan resources, log your support calls just in case something goes wrong etc.)
4. Perform the upgrade.

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