Importing Test Suite , Test Cases , execution records and results from excel to RQM

One answer

Hi, Mansi
You can try with the existing samples
TestSuite with TestCases 001.cfg
Execution Results.cfg or Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.cfg
You may need to do some change due to the different columns/cells info in two excel files.

Hi Don,
Thanks for the response .
But I have tried multiple configuration files but have not been able to import successfully. If possible can I get a sample cfg file.

There is no existing cfg file and the closest option is to use two listed cfg files in my answer. You need to try merging them(and need some changes). You need to let the community know what you have tried(print the cfg you used) and what the result is(what is your expected result so that people know the gap)