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DOORS NexGen CLM v6.0.2 vs CLM v6.0.4?

Carlos Gonsalez (37618) | asked Mar 14 '18, 5:48 p.m.

In installing DOORS NG, there is a question as which CLM to install, v6.0.2 vs v6.0.4?
Disregarding issues such as deployments, 1 or 2 servers, and topologies, assume that we have 2 Sites:
One site has DOORS NexGen CLM v6.0.2
Second site has DOORS NexGen CLM v6.0.4.
Question: With engineering firms experiencing growing pains and my role as an experienced DOORS User,
will I see any difference(performance, capabilities, front-end functionalities) between the Two Sites?

Donald Nong commented Mar 14 '18, 9:57 p.m.

So I think the question is - does DNG 6.0.4 have any performance advantage over DNG 6.0.2? Correct?

Carlos Gonsalez commented Mar 15 '18, 9:06 a.m.

In the long-term, performance would be an issue; Applicable to Large-Scale DOORSNexGen deployment(future). 

For now, a need exists is for a small scale deployment.  Thus, using the imaginary 2-Site scenario cited above(v6.0.2 Site versus v6.0.4 Site):
-Would the DOORSNG End-User see a difference of capabilities and functions 
offered at the DOORNexGen's front-end menu between my two imaginary sites?

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 14 '18, 10:04 p.m.
Carlos Gonsalez selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Mar 15 '18, 9:46 a.m.

 Hi Carlos,

The main difference your users are going to experience is components.  All project areas have at least 1 component defined in 6.0.3 onwards.  This is a new concept from 6.0.3, but it is also mandatory.  You will therefore experience this difference when the users switch from one system to another.

Performance aside, there will also be other features between those 2 releases which could make working on both slightly confusing.  Fundamentally though, other than components, there isn't a huge change.  Search and module differences, as stated in Donald's New and Noteworthys need to be considered: 

Is there a reason why you cannot upgrade site 1?  Especially when your data is still small, it would make the most sense.  

Kind regards,

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Amie Norgrove (133) | answered Mar 15 '18, 9:52 a.m.

We're using CLM 6.0.2, and we've have had nothing but problems with DNG. We have been told by IBM that many of our problems will be solved or mitigated by moving to 6.0.5. 

It's hard to imagine a less stable version than 6.0.2. So, I have to believe that 6.0.4 would be the better choice. 

Paul Ellis commented Mar 15 '18, 10:13 a.m.

Hi Amie,

It's hard to comment without knowing more details, but if you have the choice between 6.0.4 and 6.0.5, I'd choose 6.0.5.  This is simply because it saves you one upgrade in the future and it would have the very latest features and fixes.

6.0.2 is now up to ifix 16 so should be very stable in terms of defects.  I wonder if performance is your problem.  If so, a PMR/SR might be more productive.
CLM 6.0.2 ifixes is a good place to track 6.0.2.

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