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Preventing Workspace Creation in Specific Streams

Timothy McKemy (1082317) | asked Sep 30 '09, 5:46 p.m.
Is there any way to prevent specific users (or roles or teams) from creating a repository workspace off of a specific stream? I have three streams: Integration, QA, and Production. I wish to keep the developers' team from being able to do anything with the QA or Production streams, but can't figure out how.

I have created developer and QA teams, assigned users to them, and set the ownership of the streams to the appropriate team. (QA team owns QA and Production, developer team owns Integ.) Even so, someone from the developer team can create a repository workspace off the QA stream.

How do I fix this?

5 answers

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Sep 30 '09, 9:43 p.m.
Not today. There are currently no mechanisms to limit which baselines or which components users can add to their workspaces.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 01 '09, 12:03 a.m.
To prevent developers from doing anything to the QA or production
streams, just prevent them from writing to those streams (see

Or are you concerned that they will by mistake create a workspace based
on that stream, and make some changes, only to discover that they can't
deliver those changes? Note that in this case, they can re-target their
workspace to the right stream ... but they might need to do some merging
before they can deliver their changes.


tmckemy wrote:
Is there any way to prevent specific users (or roles or teams) from
creating a repository workspace off of a specific stream? I have
three streams: Integration, QA, and Production. I wish to keep the
developers' team from being able to do anything with the QA or
Production streams, but can't figure out how.

I have created developer and QA teams, assigned users to them, and set
the ownership of the streams to the appropriate team. (QA team owns QA
and Production, developer team owns Integ.) Even so, someone from the
developer team can create a repository workspace off the QA stream.

How do I fix this?

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Milan Krivic (98013176142) | answered Oct 01 '09, 6:55 a.m.
Is there any way to prevent specific users (or roles or teams) from creating a repository workspace off of a specific stream? I have three streams: Integration, QA, and Production. I wish to keep the developers' team from being able to do anything with the QA or Production streams, but can't figure out how.

I have created developer and QA teams, assigned users to them, and set the ownership of the streams to the appropriate team. (QA team owns QA and Production, developer team owns Integ.) Even so, someone from the developer team can create a repository workspace off the QA stream.

How do I fix this?

You can try simpy change the owner of specific stream, and other users which are not team members of new owner of specific stream will not have possibility to write to that stream!

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Timothy McKemy (1082317) | answered Oct 01 '09, 12:24 p.m.
Thanks to all of the respondents.

I solved my problem by placing the "Restrict change set delivery to components in a stream" pre-condition on the "Source Control => Deliver (Server)" operation for each of the teams. You can select who has permission to deliver to a particular component in a particular stream, and it works quite well.

The downside is you can't do this in the process template since the teams, streams, and components muct exist prior to applying this precondition.

(Thanks to Harry Koehnemann at Rocket Gang for some outside help as well.)

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Patrick Gagan (31185) | answered May 27 '11, 3:35 p.m.
I have tried implementing this in both RTC and 3.0 and am seeing the same behavior.

Using the "Restrict Change set delivery to components in a stream" preconditon set for the "Deliver(server)" operation for the TeamMember role.
I can set the permission on a single component in a stream to a role(ie.Product owner), however, when I choose an
additional/different stream(different or same component) and set the same permissions/role and then Save the Team Area,
it only saves one of the Streams/component permissions that I have changed.

Basically, the UI allows you to save one stream setting but not both. Also, when switching the stream drop down,
the grid does not reflect the changes saved in the process config.

Has anyone reported this before? Why are we limited to only 1 stream

Patrick Gagan

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