Is it possible to move other timelines under Main Development Timeline in RTC?
Hi All,
I am trying to find out whether it is possible to move timelines that have been created outside of Main Development under Main Development (as children). Up to now, a separate timeline has been created for each release in the RTC project, meaning that all teams working on the release need to be associated with the new timeline with every release.
I understand having each release as a child of the main Development timeline would solve that issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Accepted answer
No, Timelines can only contain iterations, not timelines.
Please read
You can user iterations to represent releases and use sub iterations inside them. Note iterations can not overlap.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for you quick reply and the links, much appreciated.
Just a follow up question, is there any way to convert an existing timeline into an iteration to be contained under Main Development? Or to move the existing iterations under the main Development timeline?
No and you want to make sure you read and understand the rules before you decide what you want to do. E.g an iteration is not like a release day. Overlappung iterations on the same level are not supported and break RTC planning.
One other answer
In the Eclipse client, you can move iterations from one timeline to another (right click over the iteration, and select the Move operation). So you can effectively move an existing timeline underneath another timeline if you create a top level iteration in the main Development timeline for the existing timeline you want to move, and then move all of the top level iterations of that existing timeline under that new top level iteration. But note Ralph's warning about overlapping iterations ... RTC will let you create overlapping iterations in a timeline, but since you can only have one "current" iteration in a timeline, you won't be able to select both overlapping iterations as being "current".