Can anyone offer help installing RTC P2 into Eclipse on RedHat Linux?
I have a group of users attempting to install RTC 6.0.4 into Eclipse Neon version 4.6.2 on a RedHat Linux machine. They are receiving a dependency error for teh International Components for Unicode for JAVA (ICU4J) where there is already an ICU installed, version 4.2.1.v20100412, but the RTC plugin has a dependency for ICU version 56.1.0.v201601250100. The install is complaining that both of these ICUs can't be installed at the same time.
One answer
Can you try the p2 repo from RTC 6.0.5?
The reason I suggest this is in 6.0.5 we changed how the p2 repo is built. In 6.0.4 and older, it was built with pieces of Eclipse 3.6 (the is from the Eclipse 3.6 era).
In 6.0.5 the p2 repo is build with Eclipse 4.2 era stuff. This is still pretty old, but it might make a difference (because you are using Eclipse 4.6, so this would at least mean both parts are composed of Eclipse 4.x plugins). I looked at the 6.0.5 p2 repo and I see this version:, which is newer, but nothing like the 56.1.0.v201601250100 version, so this still might not work but I think it is worth a try.
Our Server is running 6.0.4, so wouldn't we run into a version mismatch error?
yes, I think the client version has to be equal to, or older than the server version, so you would need to wait until your server goes to 6.0.5 to try this.
Donald Nong
Jan 24 '18, 1:33 a.m.I wonder why an ICU 4.2.1.v20100412 has been installed. When I check the plain zip version of RTC 6.0.4 client, this particular ICU comes in with the SCM tool, while RTC itself uses 4.4.2.v20110823. If I'm not mistaken, ICU 56.1.0.v201601250100 comes with Eclipse Neo, not RTC. So I have no idea why you got such problem in your environment.