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Java Heap Space Error on loading files.
2 answers

The error code is from server hence you may want to check with ccm.log first to see if you can find info at the specific time. We did see some similar case and find the server memory allocation(-Xmx) is too high in a relatively low physical memory environment. So you also want to check with server what the physical memory is and how much is allocated to JVM heap size.(if Tomcat used, the default max JVM Heap size is 4GB for example)

Why do you think it is a server side issue? We have seen this before and no error/warning from the server logs. I think it must be on the client side.

Hi Kevin,
The error message goes from client. It is definietely client message. Please see my answer below if you want to continue investigating it.

@kevinlou The status code 500 suggests it's a server side issue.

Ah sorry, I meant server in my last comment. Evan is right.