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can clm be installed on windows running as virtual machine (hosted virtual server)?

ravishankar shankarnarayana rao (262) | asked Dec 26 '17, 9:59 a.m.


I have successfully installed clm on windows 16 server standalone machine. However when i try to do the same on windows 2012 r2 which is virtual system hosted on internet, the server can not be accessed. When i try  the command "reptools-jts.bat -isserverrunning" i get following response.
CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDesc
riptionServiceTemporarily state to false.
CRJAZ1781W The Public URI Root has not been set.  Use the server setup wizard to
 enter the public URI.  This property is required to enforce consistent URL mana
gement in the application.  The public URI represents the URL that all clients m
ust use to access the application.
CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation st
ate to false.
CRJAZ2448I The public url property is not set. This is used to determine the run
ning state of the server. The repotools command will skip this check and continu
e processing the command.
The server is not running.
Please let me know if any setting is required to sort out public uri root issue.


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ravishankar shankarnarayana rao (262) | answered Dec 28 '17, 5:33 a.m.


We were able to sort out the issue. In control panel-> systems -> computer name , there is a field called net bios computer name. In the hosted virtual machine that was not set. When the service provider support personnel set it, the jts is working fine.


Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 26 '17, 8:15 p.m.

Yes, it can be installed on virtual machines. Many customers do that.

The problem you are having is related to not reading or ignoring or missing the relevance of log messages. The error message displayed claims that there has no Public URI been set, which means the application has ot been properly set up yet (or some very obscure issue happened).

Ralph Schoon commented Dec 26 '17, 8:22 p.m. | edited Dec 26 '17, 8:23 p.m.

However, note that you still need the resources or the system will fail.

This is an enterprise system. So RAM and Disk are essential. In your post - 8GB Ram is less than a standard smartphone has - typical ones have 4, 8 or more times as much RAM. Have a reasonable system setup. See the deployment Wiki: and/or check the system requirements on the download pages (Release Notes/Getting Started).

ravishankar shankarnarayana rao commented Dec 27 '17, 8:35 a.m.

We are  using this package for the first time. We  wanted to get a feel of functionality. We initially  installed it  on PC with 4 gb and could successfully use functionalities for trial by single user and sample artifacts The same we wanted to have on a hosted machine so that more people in different locations can "view" (not use). We used a virtual machine with 8 gb . We followed same installation procedure. we had followed on smaller machine. But we could not even get to setup.  Looking at the error it appeared that there may be some configuration issue of domain name/ ip address etc...and hence we posted to get the suggestions. Thanks.

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