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How do i define more then 3 artifact type while importing the document as module in DNG

Sunny Kumar (53488) | asked Nov 22 '17, 11:30 a.m.

 While i import the module in dng there is only 3 type show where i can define artifact type

How can i define more then 3 artifact type in dng while i import the document. 

Accepted answer

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Stephen Woo (96210) | answered Nov 23 '17, 2:40 p.m.
Hi Gagan,
I assume DNG will parse sentence and paragraph based on paragraph marks.
The most important aspect of the DNG import is to experiment with keyword.
For example,
sentences with "SHALL" are all requirements.
sentences with "Use Case:" are all use cases
Good luck.
Sunny Kumar selected this answer as the correct answer

Sunny Kumar commented Nov 24 '17, 4:46 p.m.

 Thank u Stephen for valuable answer it solve my problem

2 other answers

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Stephen Woo (96210) | answered Nov 22 '17, 12:40 p.m.
 Hi Gagan,
I can understand your need to import several artifact types from a Word document.
Have you tried the "keyword" function of the import wizard?
However, usually I break out each sections of artifacts and import them either separately or via CSV import. I then re-assembly things back together into the master module.
Good luck.

Sunny Kumar commented Nov 23 '17, 6:03 a.m.

Hi Stephen

To Reference of the Screenshot you send

how DNG will get to know that

Line is "Sentence/ Paragraph " and DNG will automatically give it artifact type according to same. 

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Sunny Kumar (53488) | answered Nov 23 '17, 6:03 a.m.

Hi Stephen

To Reference of the Screenshot you send

how DNG will get to know that

Line is "Sentence/ Paragraph " and DNG will automatically give it artifact type according to same. 

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