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Error in Viewing RDNG 5.0.2 Diagrams. The content that you requested could not be generated.

Salman Shaikh (23413875) | asked Mar 13 '16, 5:46 a.m.
 I am getting this error on RHEL, I am able to edit diagrams but i am unable to View them.

The content that you requested could not be generated.
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ID CRRRW8010E  The converter application encountered an error that prevented the graphical content from being created or retrieved. This is usually caused by a configuration error for the converter application. It may have missing dependencies or was not started correctly. Ask your administrator to verify the converter application was correctly installed and configured.

Please let me know any solution to resolve this error.

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Ted Mayer (47649) | answered Mar 13 '16, 11:01 a.m.

You may have seen this previously, but just in case, I have forwarded a link to an article on that discusses configuring and troubleshooting converter issues.
If the steps from the above article does not help, then the issue could also be that the converter.war file may be corrupted and needs to be reinstalled, if that is the case, please perform the following:
A) Confirm that the Converter.war file is correctly deployed per technote:
B) Clear the Websphere cache for the converter application:
1. Stop the application server that the converter application is deployed.
2. Navigate to the following two locations on the server that the converter application is deployed to:
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/temp/<machine name>Node01/server1
3. Delete the converter_war directory in both locations.
4. Restart the application server.
If the problem persists, please follow these steps:
C) If WebSphere Application Server is started and the converter.war file was deployed, stop the converter.war file.
1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
2. Go to the node and stop the converter.war file.
3. Set the DISPLAY variable in WebSphere Application Server:
4. Click Server > Application Server, and select the server that the Rational Requirements Composer server is installed on.
5. Expand Java and Process Management, and click Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
6. Select Custom Properties.
7. Click New.
8. For the name, enter DISPLAY, and for the value, enter localhost:1.0.
9. Save the new value and save everything to the master configuration.
10. Restart WebSphere Application Server and deploy the converter.war file if it has not been deployed.



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