Web client in CLM is Change and configuration management or something else ?
Accepted answer
Well, if you use Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition as web client it seems to be not supported, but usually you use hosts with Windows Server OS as server not client. So, Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition supports running of all applications of CLM 6.0.2.
2 other answers
Thanks Servizi,
The problem is, that you keep spamming the forum with your same question but ignoring the answers.
Related posts are
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/246098/error-in-clm-configuration-the-server-was-unable-to-connect-to-the-database-because-the-database-connection-settings-are-invalid-or-because-database-is-unreachable-sqlstate-xj040-sqlcode-40000-verify-the-connection-settings-in-your-teamserverprope
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/246094/i-am-trying-to-install-clm-602-using-im-185-when-i-put-url-httpshostname9443jts-then-it-throws-error
This question
All have in common that the answers seem to be widely ignored and a new question is opened.
If you don't want to hear and react to the answers to your questions in this forum, please consider to use a different forum or open a PMR with support. At least they will be able to ask you for a reasonable dump of log files and be able to tell you what you are doing wrong.
I am pretty sure that you have done something wrong while installing and setting up your server e.g installed into "Program Files".