Timeline field is not visible in Editor Presentation of entity.
In IBM Rational Team Concert, I have created 1 Project. By default i found the list of entities created in it.
For entity Defect. I added the Timeline field using Type And Attributes panel.
Now, I want to access this field. Either in Entity Creation Time or Update time. Work Item Editor type of Defect is com.ibm.team.workitem.editor.default.
From Editor Presentation window i am trying to add the field. Add Presentation > Attribute-Based presentation. Timeline field is not present in this attributes list.
Kindly, let me know if there is any way i can add the field to Editor
One answer
Timeline as an attribute does - very likely - not make sense. You want to be able to select an iteration - which is already available as the "Planned for" attribute. In general you want to look for the attribute ID of the custom attribute you created.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for suggesting. I am aware about "Planned for" attribute. But, My Concern is regarding availability of custom field creation support. When i can add the new Custom Attribute of type Timeline. Then I should be able to add it to UI.
Please let me know, If there is any kind of limitation or Bug for Timeline field's editor presentation possibilities.
From the suggested links. 2nd link is broken.
You can create a custom attribute of type Iteration (this is the same type as the planned for attribute uses) add it to the editor presentation and it works.
You can create a custom attribute of type Timeline and it does not show up to be added to the editor presentation. This seems to be a bug - either not show timeline as a type or have a presentation.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for update, Can you please share what is the Bug
1) Not showing timeline in editor or
2) Timeline as a type
and if possible kindly let me know by when that Bug can be fixed.
It is not my decision what the bug is. I can only reproduce the issue and comment that I would expect a different behavior. Also posting here is not filing a defect.
If you want to file this as a bug, file a work item here: https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational%20Team%20Concert#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWelcome
or contact support and create a PMR.
I am not sure what you want to achieve with the attribute, so I can't suggest any work around, if there was one.