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Setting access component on RTC

One answer

Component Owner and Component Visibility is what I would try with.
When you setting the component owner to a specific Team, you can make this choice :
"Restrict to members of this team area and its child team areas"
Upon this, have you already tried to set the visibility to the specific Teams?
Here is the Help link with more details
Lesson 4: Restrict access to source control artifacts
hope this helps...

Thanks dinesh for the reply. The link you gave will make a component is visible only for one member(helen) where as, I need those component visible through some members.

if you are referring to step 11 from
Lesson 4: Restrict access to source control artifacts, it actually allows you to select a user or a Team Area, which is what I believe would help your cause. Create a Team composed of those members and set it to that Team Area.
re : If there's component that invisible for me, is it mean that the source on that component also not load to my local computer?
I am not sure if I understand this completely but without having to be able to see that component, you wouldn't be able to load that component.