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Jazz Administration and Jazz Source Control perspectives are unavailable on Mac OSX Eclipse client

Taro Misaki (145517) | asked Sep 07 '17, 1:14 a.m.

I installed Eclipse 4.4.2 with RTC plugin on Mac OSX 10.11.1.
I found that Jazz Administration and Jazz Source Control perspectives are not available.
What can I do to make Jazz Administration and Jazz Source Control perspectives available?

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Sep 07 '17, 1:16 a.m.

If JVM is not available, Jazz Administration and Jazz Source Control perspectives will not be available.
Check if your system has any existing JVM that Eclipse can use.

If not, you can download from IBM DeveloperWorks:
Since you are using Mac OSX, there is no Mac OSX JVM on IBM DeveloperWorks.

Instead, you will need to download from Oracle:

Taro Misaki selected this answer as the correct answer

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