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Access issue in RM

Vagner Ribeiro (737) | asked Jun 29 '15, 4:32 p.m.
 Hi. I am experiencing an issue with, at least, one of my users in Team Concert. He is getting access to RM project areas that he is not involved. What could be the problem? I am using the version 4.0.1 of Jazz. Thanks in advance.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Jun 29 '15, 4:47 p.m.
Check the Access Control on the configuration of the projects.    If the Read access is set to Everyone that would be one cause.  Also a person could be a member of a team ( not necessarily the project ) and still see project areas.

Vagner Ribeiro selected this answer as the correct answer

Vagner Ribeiro commented Jun 29 '15, 4:55 p.m.

That's it. Someone in my team granted access to everyone incorrectly. Thanks for your quick response. 

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