RM DNG 6.0.4, Cannot right click module, Generate Report for Artifact, Print Module Book and Print Module Table return error 400 ID CRRRW7553E
In RM / DNG 6.0.4, when I right-click a module, select Generate Report For Artifact, select Print Module Book or Print Module Table, and follow all the prompts, DNG returns the error below. Is this just my database / server, or is it happening for others?
An error has occurred while processing a server request. The server returned this error code: 400.
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ID CRRRW7553E A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.
Unable to load https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/publish/report status: 400
Error: Unable to load https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/publish/report status: 400 at new _6 (https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=F3F6Usimn4p_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=LRef3&locale=en-us:2489:14) at _11._6 [as handleResponse] (https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=F3F6Usimn4p_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=LRef3&locale=en-us:6187:4) at XMLHttpRequest._13 (https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=F3F6Usimn4p_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=LRef3&locale=en-us:6202:5)
URL: https://gannett.clm.ibmcloud.com/rm/publish/report
Error 400: Bad Request
token is expected to be in 'name/value' format (More info found at entry [8c0f1c9f84ef9c54] in the RM application server log)
One answer
Richard K.
When I looked at the Server machine it was showing an error message box stating "OIVT Sample Application Error – missing MSVCR120.dll…"
You didn't say what version you were running prior to 6.0.4 - but starting with 6.0.3 a newer 64-bit VC++ Redistributal package was needed (Visual C++ Redistributable Visual Studio 2013) see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/UploadedFilePreviews for more information.
Once I installed the new package and restarted the server I was able to generate a report for a module.