Large DNG module sizes and doc generation
We're in the process of migration a large system requirements from a legacy toolset to JAZZ.
We have successfully imported the data into several modules which reflect what they had in their old toolset.
Two of these modules have just over 23000 artifacts. We can view the modules and their contents but we haven't been able to generate a word/pdf doc without getting a timeout msg. Even a reqif took over 7hrs to create during off-ours. The doc generation was done during off hours.
We're running 605 ifix 5, using liberty & oracle backend, No GC/LQE, using DW. JVM min/max =24g on rh 6.8 with 60gb ram & 8cores.
We've been dealing with support on this issue without much luck so far in resolving the problem.
We're wondering if others have had similar problems with large modules? Around how many artifacts do your large modules have? Do you have one db instance for all of JAZZ or multiple (eg. one per app or a combination eg. DW & JTS, ...... ) ?
One answer
23000 artifacts in a module exceeds the current practical limits for DNG. We advise no more than 10,000 artifacts per module. You can leverage the DNG Performance and Data Guidelines here
Development is continuing to work on scalability improvements in DNG and 6.0.6 release will have a tech preview available for the new architecture(Jena replacement with relational DB), but there is no set date at when that work will be completed and GA'ed. Timing is at least the end of this year. I advise talking with your local IBM field team on this.