Problems importing a Jazz RM project that was saved with links to DM
I found an issue exposed by the Automated Meter Reader System sample project in 4.0.3. My guess is that the archive/restoring of projects doesn't cope well with external associations/links. In the rich hover and various other places the user is given the message "Oauth authentication is required to discover derived links". Clicking on the Authenticate link given, however, causes a red error message to be shown (below). I assume this is caused because when the project was saved, it had links to (Rhapsody) Design Manager. Upon import into a new install, the DM project does not exist. I'm surprised that the derived links were not cleaned. Is there a way to clean a project to remove these errors?
One answer
Hi Fraser,
Please have a look at the following work item. I think this may be the issue you are experiencing.
Discover derived links defined on RM artifacts, however none integration to DM was defined (76279)
Please have a look at the following work item. I think this may be the issue you are experiencing.
Discover derived links defined on RM artifacts, however none integration to DM was defined (76279)