Module Explorer mini dashboard widget missing in 6.0.4?
Several of our users were utilizing the "Module Explorer" mini-dashboard widget up to DNG 6.0.2. After upgrading to 6.0.4, that widget is blank; it does not appear in the mini dashboard widget catalog. Tried in multiple browsers, can't even find it to re-add it to a mini-dashboard. Is this a bug or was this quietly dropped?
Thank you,
Accepted answer
I believe the "Module Explorer" is not built-in, and in fact is one of the examples of the RM Extensions. You need to redeploy the example and add the widgets back.
I have verified in DNG 6.0.5 and it works just fine.
Nate Decker
Aug 13 '19, 12:07 p.m.It's still available, but it doesn't come prepackaged with the installation. Did you do an upgrade or a fresh install? Have you configured the server's widget catalog path so that it knows where the widgets are available? Have you hosted the files somewhere like in a WebSphere application or in process attachments of an RTC project area?
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