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Why is the upgrade to 6.0.3 forcing me to use ojdbc7.jar driver. We are still using Oracle 11g

I started to upgrade RTC v6.0.1 to RTC v6.0.3.
I am on Windows 2012 Server WAS with an Oracle database ( I am using the upgrade scripts. The first script that I run (repotools -upgrade jts) errors out that the oracle driver is incorrect and can't be found.
The error states that the Oracle Driver (ojdbc7.jar) cannot be found at C:\IBM\JTS603\server\conf\oracle.
I installed 6.0.1 with no problem with the oracle driver (ojdbc6.jar) located at:
C:\IBM\oracle\ojdbc6.jar. This is also the property that is set in WAS (ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE).
Documentation reads that I should be using ojdbc6.jar (Oracle v 11g).
Can I simply put the ojdbc7.jar where it wants it? Why don't I have control over this? Where are these properties set?
Thanks for your help!
One answer

Once I found the ojdbc7.jar driver and moved it to the location specified in the error:
I was able to successfully run all of the upgrade scripts with out error. I find it odd that the documentation clearly states we are supposed to use the ojdbc6.jar driver - we could not continue with the upgrade without the newer Oracle driver.
So my answer is - go ahead and use the newer driver - it worked fine for us.
Good luck,