why is Bulk Move Work Items plugin not installing correctly for me?

I've been playing with this for several hours now and just can't get the Bulk Work Item plugin to work. The Move/Copy to Project area option is still greyed out when selecting multiple work items.
I'm using the RTC client and downloaded the zip from https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BulkMoveWorkItemsBetweenProjectAreasInRTC3 and installed it. When I go to About Team Concert and click on Installed Software it lists it like below
Bulk Move / Copy feature (top com.ibm.rtc.development.patch.bulk.move.feature.group
But when I look at Plugins the older versions of Work Item Common and Work Item RCP UI are still there. I tried copying the new plugins from the zipped file to the IMShared Plugins directory but that didn't change anything.
I got this working a couple years ago and needed to use it again but can't get it installed now for some reason. I even tried the -clean option based on other threads and installed a new Eclipse Client .
Any ideas what step I'm missing. All I really did was download the zip, install, restart Eclipse. When that failed I tried copying the jar files directly where the older ones were.
I'm using the RTC client and downloaded the zip from https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BulkMoveWorkItemsBetweenProjectAreasInRTC3 and installed it. When I go to About Team Concert and click on Installed Software it lists it like below
Bulk Move / Copy feature (top com.ibm.rtc.development.patch.bulk.move.feature.group
But when I look at Plugins the older versions of Work Item Common and Work Item RCP UI are still there. I tried copying the new plugins from the zipped file to the IMShared Plugins directory but that didn't change anything.
I got this working a couple years ago and needed to use it again but can't get it installed now for some reason. I even tried the -clean option based on other threads and installed a new Eclipse Client .
Any ideas what step I'm missing. All I really did was download the zip, install, restart Eclipse. When that failed I tried copying the jar files directly where the older ones were.
2 answers

You can try a ZIP (not Installation Manager) version of RTC. I always used that and it has never failed me. I found the IM versions sometimes confusing because I don't know where the plugins end up, because, I think I recall, there are shared resources.

Thanks Ralph. That solved the issue. I saw you mention that in another similar thread, but for some reason it didn't click until you said it here.
I wonder if it should be mentioned in the docs related to this plugin. There seem to be a lot of questions on this and I tried with IM on different RTC client versions, different machines, with no luck until I tried the non-IM zip.
A note at the bottom recommending to use the zip version might cut down on the forum posts.

Hi Michael, great that it works for you now. I restructured a bit to make my comment an answer etc. So you can accept it.