CLM 4.0.6 and DB2 10.5 compatibility on AIX
The specs for CLM 4.0.6 indicates that it supports DB2 10.1 and AIX. CLM 5.0 currently supports DB2 10.1 and 10.5. We would like to run CLM 5.0 with DB2 10.5.
In preparation for the CLM 5.0 upgrade, we would like to initially upgrade DB2 to 10.5 on our CLM 4.0.6 instance before upgrading to CLM 5.0. Would you know of any issue that may arise with running CLM 4.0.6 and DB2 10.5 ?
In preparation for the CLM 5.0 upgrade, we would like to initially upgrade DB2 to 10.5 on our CLM 4.0.6 instance before upgrading to CLM 5.0. Would you know of any issue that may arise with running CLM 4.0.6 and DB2 10.5 ?
One answer
Using RTC 4.0.6 + DB2 10.5, you may have issue to create tables during jts/setup.
Please see the discussion
and defect
At least I met the problem in RTC 4.0.3 and DB2 10.5 environment, I had to install DB2 10.1.