Not able to generate document from RPE
Accepted answer
Hi Saumya,
It is very difficult to pinpoint the problem without knowing what youtube video you watched and what template you created.
- The steps you mentioned how you created template are mixing up module and artifacts in module. So I am afraid there is a problem here. There is a good sample in RPE. Open [RPE_INST_DIR]\templates\DNG\DNG_Modules.dta and verify how it is designed. Module title is set in the very beginning of the template. Yo do not need data source configuration only for module.
- The data source you set is also questionable. Assuming you enable configuration for target DNG project, the data source URL should not include oslc_config.context parameter, but add Extra header and Configuration context. Also make sure resourceUri is for module not for artifact.
The youtube video below will help set the data source. I recommend to follow the first half of instruction as exactly as instructed to confirm if it works fine. Then you may start creating your own template based on this.
Hi Kenji,
Global configuration is optional in DNG. If you do not use global configuration, the youtube link I showed you previously is not relevant. Please review this one:
Sorry I do not understand module link part. What kind of links would you like to display in module report?
1 vote
Hi Kenji,
Yes, you can copy the module URL from "shared link to this artifact", and paste it as a data source. Ensure you copy it with parameter resourceURI only such as
and do not include parameter oslc_config.context. It is explained around 4'00" in the youtube video I referred in my second response.
Thank you Kenji