RPE 2.1.1 shows blank page for most of my RQM project except RKE banking (Quality Managment)

I am using the default document tempate QM_TestPlanWithTestcases.dta to generate testplans reports by IBM rational publishing engine 2.1.1.
I have two projects both are configuration not enabled. One is RKE Banking (Quality Management) and the other is Krista RQM test project, in which only has one test plan associated with one test case and one test script.
Using the following URL, I only got one test plan and the test plan ATOM feed shows there are four entries.
https://rqm-qm-dev-n2.gm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE Banking (Quality Management)/testplan?abbreviate=false
Using the following URL, I got empty report while the test plan ATOM feed shows there are one entry.
https://rqm-qm-dev-n2.gm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Krista RQM Test Project/testplan?abbreviate=false
Please help to idently what's the root cause.
One answer

This is expected since QM_TestPlanWithTestcases.dta OOTB template uses the filter based on the external variable "testplanTitle", for which the default value is set as "Development Test". Since "Krista RQM Test Project" does not have testplan titled "Development Test", the output is blank.
In the template, just remove the filter (title == testplanTitle) and you should get the output.