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why my link to RTC disappear in RM with Global Configuration enabled?

Hi Some one who may concern,
Accepted answer

Hi Jane,
Further to Don's response... when configuration management is enabled, linking is directional. One artifact "owns" and stores the link information as part of its attributes, and also publishes that link information in the TRS feed to LDX. The target artifact's application checks LDX for incoming links and displays those when you open it. The configuration context is required for the versioned artifacts. As the Knowledge Centre article explains, RTC "owns" any links from RTC artifacts, including work items, to any other domain artifacts (requirements, tests, designs). So the link is stored only in the work item, and the requirement has to get the link information from LDX.
Although RTC work items aren't versioned, if you want to link them to versioned artifacts (like requirements), they need to be able to understand configuration context. You need to define Releases, associate them to iterations, and use the link/attribute mappings to set up the association to global configurations. This video shows you more about that.
(You can add an RTC stream to the GC, but as you point out, that is for source code artifacts only. Work items don't have configurations because they aren't versioned.)
So make sure you have configured RTC correctly with the desired GC associations. Also make sure you're using the right attribute for the link type - for example, the default mappings use "planned-for" values for "implemented by" links, but "found-in" for "affected by".
Make sure LDX is installed, and check LDX admin (https://server:port/ldx/web/admin/home) to make sure the TRS feeds are updating correctly. You can also reindex the RTC feed from LDX admin if anything looks amiss.
Hope that helps.

Hi Kathryn,

Yes, if after you have turned on configuration management in DNG, and set of the appropriate iteration/release/GC information in RTC, and then in the DNG artifact links tab you can see the linked RTC work item, if subsequently that link disappears without you have modifying any of the RTC iteration/release/GC information, or the planned-for attribute of that work item, then that is a bug, and working with IBM support is the right approach.
2 other answers

May be you have to add RTC stream(default or any stream was created on that project) in GC Stream to show your RTC workitem link in RM artifacts.

Hi Penchal,

I also face the same issue when i was configuring GCM, after adding default RTC stream to GC stream, it appeared all missing links from RM artifacts. Since I'm not using Idx in my system. I thing nothing will harm adding RTC stream to GC stream.

Hi, Jane
Referring to the below to find out why the backlink from RM to RTC disappeared after you enabled the GCM.