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how to setup clmhelp in 605

Just upgraded to 605 and IBM has changed the delpoyment method of help files.
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSYMRC_6.0.5/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_config_help_loc.html states to seadd the following to the jts server.xml file
<jd:infocenterRoot rdf:resource="protocol://host-name:port/clmhelp" />
The xml file did not have a entry to start with. On startup I get the follwing error in the console log:
[ERROR ] CWWKG0014E: The configuration parser detected an XML syntax error while parsing the root of the configuration and the referenced configuration do
cuments. Error: The namespace prefix "rdf" was not declared. File: file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml Line: 32 Column: 77
which is the line where I added the entry, changing the url to our server.
What is the correct method to do this?
Accepted answer

Hi Norman,
You either made a typo in your post, or misread the instructions. The file to modify is services.xml, such as server/conf/ccm/services.xml, not server.xml, as in server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml. You should see many similar looking entries in services.xml, including the entry <jd:infocenterRoot> that you need to modify. Note that this file is unique for each CLM application.