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How can I create a view which shows results for requirements/defects across multiple test events in Jazz?

Timothy Distel (73256) | asked Mar 28 '19, 3:46 p.m.
retagged Mar 29 '19, 5:27 p.m. by Michael Afshar (7014)

 Hello, I am using CLM suite 6.0.6.

I'd like to be able to have some kind of view which shows me the status of a defect across multiple builds. I would like to have the same thing for requirements; results across multiple builds. In our environment, the builds are in a 1 to 1 relationship with test plans so using a test plan to set the scope for the requirements/defects shown would be ideal. I just need to be able to have all of this information in one view.

How can I do this using CLM Suite 6.0.6? I believe this is possible through RPE, but only after developing a complex template which traverses multiple data sources and from what I've seen, leverages code to produce. Is there a way to display this view, without being proficient in coding/RPE template development? Any help or guidance is appreciated.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Mar 29 '19, 8:08 a.m.

Hi Timothy,

I would suggest you try Report Builder (see Reporting) that allows your to report across your CLM data including links between RQM/DNG/RTC.  

Timothy Distel selected this answer as the correct answer

Timothy Distel commented Mar 29 '19, 8:33 a.m.

The one caveat I forgot to mention is that this should be exportable. Unfortunately, JRS reports do get close to what I'd like but since sorts aren't supported in jrs exports, the data is repeated to the point where cleaning up the data is more work than just manually putting the data into the report template.

Rafik Jaouani commented Mar 29 '19, 10:24 a.m.

Report builder will let you get rid of the repeated data by using LISTAGG for SQL or GROUP_CONCAT for Sparql. Here is an article that describes the process:

Timothy Distel commented Mar 29 '19, 11:37 a.m.

This is very helpful however, the custom expression column requires the selection of an attribute. If I'm looking to aggregate artifacts, not attribute values of artifacts, can I still leverage custom expressions? If so, what would need to be done?

Timothy Distel commented Mar 29 '19, 12:54 p.m.

The JRS report is based off of LQE which uses Sparql so I have to use the group_concat(). The data that was being repeated was test case title, test script title, and qm test result verdict, over each requirement, therefore I need to perform the group_concat on the requirement titles that are causing all of the data to repeat. I performed a simple concat:


I found that while this does prevent repeating rows, the requirement titles are repeated over and over in the requirement titles cell. In the article, the author mentions how for SQL you will need a comma at some point in the command to separate the data. What is the equivalent for this with SparQL?

Timothy Distel commented Mar 29 '19, 1:42 p.m.

For anyone curious on the resolution, adding distinct to the GROUP_CONCAT corrected the issue. The sparql command that worked for me:


Rafik Jaouani commented Mar 29 '19, 4:44 p.m.
GROUP_CONCAT(distinct $Requirement:Title$;separator=", ")
Will let you specify a separator

Timothy Distel commented Apr 01 '19, 10:04 a.m.


As a follow up question on this topic, is it possible to define a custom sort for the rows in the report? For example, I'd like to display the test cases in the order they are executed, not alphabetically.

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