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Changing how "Depends On" field displays

Robin DiNunzio (135) | asked Jun 20 '17, 10:59 a.m.

We have a work breakdown plan that includes the column "Depends On". If a work item has one dependency, the column displays the ticket ID and title (6065: QA Test), and if the dependent ticket has been completed, there is a line through the text (15736: Peer Review). However if there is more than one dependency, work items are displayed as linked numbers (Links (3):1, 2, 3). This makes it difficult for the user to see at a glance if the dependencies have been completed. Does anyone know if there is a way to display multiple dependent tickets with the ticket number and title and not just as a linked number? Version 6.0.2


Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 21 '17, 5:31 a.m.


I am not aware that you can configure how to show this in a plan. You could point the mouse over the link ID to potentially see hovers. I can't test that the hover shows right now, it usually does.

Robin DiNunzio selected this answer as the correct answer

Robin DiNunzio commented Jun 21 '17, 8:11 a.m.

Hi Ralph - yes, if you hover over the link it does display ticket info. Our users were hoping to not have to do that. Thanks for your answer.

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