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ecj compilation logging

RTC 405
I looked at:
And the link to the Eclipse section does not work. When I did a search for
"JDT Core Batch Compiler"
I get this page:
When you click on one of the version downloads, it only points you to the main Eclipse download...Am I using the correct links?
I looked at:
And the link to the Eclipse section does not work. When I did a search for
"JDT Core Batch Compiler"
I get this page:
When you click on one of the version downloads, it only points you to the main Eclipse download...Am I using the correct links?
Accepted answer

It took some digging, but I was able to find it via the Eclipse project download site at http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/ which is now kind of buried behind the package oriented main download page. If you click through to 'archive site', then '3.6.2' (the Eclipse release RTC is still based on as of 5.x) you end up at http://archive.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6.2-201102101200/ and can find ECJ under the 'JDT Core Batch Compiler' section.
I'll update the Build FAQ. I'm also trying to raise awareness of the navigation issue here.
You can also use a more recent version of ECJ if you like -- there's no actual dependency with RTC when invoking the compiler, and I don't think its XML output format has changed, so the jdtCompileLogPublisher Ant task should still work fine with it.