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lscm list changesets json incorrect - current state not correct

Stephen Rooks (18232025) | asked Jan 17 '15, 6:50 a.m.
I'm finding that the json output when listing changesets is incorrect. The JSON output does not show the current changeset which is "_97TFkJ2IEeSYhp-7gLI07Q" below.

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MATLAB5>lscm status
Workspace: (1200) "Shell" <-> (1200) "Shell"
  Component: (1238) "C1"
    Baseline: (1249) 2 "version 1"
      -c- /C1/test2.txt
      Change sets:
        (1270) ----@  "Changeset11" 08-Jan-2015 03:01 PM
        (1272) -*--@  "<No comment>" 16-Jan-2015 11:31 AM

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MATLAB5>lscm list changesets -j -w 1200
    "changes": [
            "author": "Rational",
            "comment": "<No comment>",
            "modified": "16-Jan-2015 11:31 AM",
            "state": {
                "active": true,
                "complete": false,
                "conflict": false,
                "current": false,
                "current_merge_target": false,
                "has_source": false,
                "is_linked": false,
                "is_source": false,
                "potential_conflict": false
            "url": "https:\/\/amrrtcserver:9444\/jazz\/",
            "uuid": "_97TFkJ2IEeSYhp-7gLI07Q"
            "author": "Rational",
            "comment": "Changeset22",
            "modified": "16-Jan-2015 09:00 AM",
            "state": {
                "active": false,
                "complete": true,
                "conflict": false,
                "current": false,
                "current_merge_target": false,
                "has_source": false,
                "is_linked": false,
                "is_source": false,
                "potential_conflict": false
            "url": "https:\/\/amrrtcserver:9444\/jazz\/",
            "uuid": "_VbPosJdxEeSooonDFCX1Rg"
            "author": "Rational",
            "comment": "Changeset11",
            "modified": "08-Jan-2015 03:01 PM",
            "state": {
                "active": true,
                "complete": false,
                "conflict": false,
                "current": false,
                "current_merge_target": false,
                "has_source": false,
                "is_linked": false,
                "is_source": false,
                "potential_conflict": false
            "url": "https:\/\/amrrtcserver:9444\/jazz\/",
            "uuid": "_MYkuUJdxEeSooonDFCX1Rg"

Donald Nong commented Jan 18 '15, 8:01 p.m.

I'm quite confused with your post. The JSON output clearly contains "_97TFkJ2IEeSYhp-7gLI07Q". So what's exactly wrong?

Stephen Rooks commented Jan 19 '15, 11:06 a.m.

The changeset is listed, however the JSON is incorrect as it shows the Key "current" as being false.

One answer

permanent link
Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Jan 20 '15, 2:45 p.m.
Stephen has opened a work item for this bug: scm list changesets - JSON output incorrect (342925)

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