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Artifacts not showing up in Folder View

Matt Rosenthal (4817) | asked May 19 '17, 4:12 p.m.

In DNG 6.0.2, all of a sudden, artifacts I have in a folder are not showing up.  I have double checked that I don't have any filters or views selected.  From Browse Artifacts, I select the folder and it says at the bottom "Showing 18 of 18 Artifacts"....but in the pane...nothing.  In one folder, I can select "Show 10 rows per page" and ten will show up, but when I hit "Next" the second page is blank.  In another folder with less than 10 artifacts, I can't see any of them.  Any thoughts?


2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 21 '17, 9:15 p.m.

Please contact IBM Support. You may need a diagnostic tool to fix the issue.

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Steve Mills (5111) | answered May 23 '17, 7:56 a.m.

We had what sounds like the same issue in an earlier version and a PMR got us the diagnostic and repair tool (something like) "FolderIntegrityChecker."  It resolved the issue.

Good luck!

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