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Issue during a DNG Artifact view export in .csv format

Anusha B (131) | asked May 23 '23, 12:18 p.m.

 Hello Team,

Application - IBM DNG 
Version -7.0.2

The module has around 8000+ artifacts and a view is created to export for the same.
The export starts but never finishes and we want to export it in .csv format only for reviewing. 

Anyone has any suggestions/advise on how to solve this issue. Please help me out here if anyone has faced with similar problem.

Thanks and Regards,

David Honey commented May 23 '23, 12:33 p.m.

I think it most unlikely that anyone in this forum could answer your question based on the little information you have provided. Have you checked rm.log for any entries that might provide clues?

I suggest you raise a ticket with Rational Technical Support who will work with you to gather the information needed to investigate.

Anusha B commented May 24 '23, 9:35 a.m.

Hello David,

Its just that we are able to export other views present in DNG Module to a .csv file. But only for this module(with artifact count more than 8000+) the export starts and never finishes at all. 
Haven't checked till now, but will do check on the rm.log for entries.  

Thank you

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Bhagath P B (4438) | answered May 24 '23, 1:12 a.m.

Hi Anusha,

I would recommend to try exporting in the latest ifix022, couple of slow queries were addressed. If this does not resolve then a Support ticket will be required.

Anusha B commented May 24 '23, 9:32 a.m.

Hello Bhagat,

Thank you for suggesting.
Currently we have ifix019, but there is planning going on to deploy latest ifix in June. But cannot happen to until then! 

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